RM-SL-58A(電調式) 1.進紙部所有調整為電動,包括前擋板、左右擋板、擋板間隙。 2.刀軸360°電動調整。 3.刀座與壓線輪可左右電動同步移動。 4.深度與高度刀輪採電動調整。 RM-SL-58B(手調式) 1.進紙部所有調整為手動,包括前擋板、左右擋板、擋板間隙。 2.刀軸360°電動調整。 3.刀座與壓線輪可左右手動同步移動。 4.深度與高度刀輪採手動調整。 RM-SL-58A 1.Micro-adjustment for feed system. 2.360° micro-adjustment for blade shaft. 3.Both score roller and slot roller moved and micro-adjusted simultaneously. 4.Non-stopping working with micro-adjustment for slot in deepness and highness. RM-SL-58B 1.Manual adjustment for feed system. 2.360°micro-adjustment for blade shaft. 3.Both score roller and slot roller moved and manual-adjusted simultaneously.4.Manual-adjustment for slot in deepness and highness.